Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Content Marketing in the Digital Age.

How often has it happened that you were reading an article on the web on a certain topic and coincidentally you happened to read up about a related brand in that article and landed up purchasing it over the next couple of days. Well, if you thought that you were a clear one off and it rarely would repeat or probably other consumers haven’t followed this buying behaviour, you have definitely mistaken. Your buying behaviour was a result of well thought of strategy by the marketing arm of the brand. That’s another medium of marketing called Content Marketing.

Not always for the company using content marketing, the results are immediate. It is a continuous ongoing process. If nothing the method adds to the brand image by aiding recall. So how does this work?

It starts with providing targeted consumers relevant information that is of value to the consumers thus creating interest in the related products. It is about giving the prospect information that he is interested in reading thus grabbing attention. More often than not, references to the product that needs to be sold is only included as supplementary content rather than the primary focus. Due to the importance of the content information, the marketing companies have now compelled the user to read. Now, engaging the reader and placing the product info in the right places is also done in a well thought of strategy.

So, is content marketing a new concept? Certainly a big no. And those associated with marketing and advertising will vouch for what we say. The early signs of content marketing were seen in the 18th century. That said, over the years, the media has changed ranging from newspapers to magazines to a whole new array of media with the dawn of the digital era including blogs, articles, micro blogs, emails, newsletters, surveys, etc. As a SEO and SMO company in Thane Mumbai our clients are now increasingly demanding our content marketing services, though this was initially not amongst our core products. However, over the years, what initially started off as a complimentary non-core service as a web development company in Thane, this is probably a parallel division by itself. Now that explains the trend in the digital world and surely we’d be inclined to believe that this is one avenue which will only see an upward rise.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Web development, web designing, or both?

The terms web designing and web development are lumped together and used synonymously quite often. The fact that both are usually offered in conjunction might have something to do with it along with how both term involve changing and improving a website. Web design controls the avenue of how your page looks whereas web development has power over how it works.

First, let’s explore what web designing entails. Web designing in layman terms is, simply put, ‘making things pretty’. Web designing focuses on creating a user-friendly environment that ensures customer satisfaction and return. The design of a webpage is what affects the decision of the user regarding whether or not to stay and conduct business with the page owner.

responsive web developers in thane

The purpose of good web design is to excite and intrigue users, to capture their attention, to satisfy and please them, and to guarantee that they return once again. Web design is not simply from an aesthetic point of view though, as it affects the overall internet presence of your website, ranging from SEO to conversion rates as well as branding.

 It is the key to turning a user into a customer, but not alone. Web development plays its own very important role in fleshing out a website and helping a business reach greater unexplored heights of success. Web development generally refers to the non-design related elements of a webpage such as writing mark-up and coding. It involves developing a website that is ready for the World Wide Web.

Syspree is a web development company in thane which provides web development services which actually include web designing as one of the functions along with eCommerce development, security configuration, client-side development etc. Nowadays it also comprises of creating content managing systems or CMS.

By now, it’s obvious that web design and development go hand in hand. They work together to create a beautiful fully responsive page with a user friendly interface. For example, if you have a very pretty and well-designed website on PC, web development is what ensures that a mobile user will have the same experience. To conclude, the answer to the question that we explored, is both. For a webpage that is capable of exponentially increasing the growth of your business, you need both, web designing as well as web development.