Monday, 9 July 2018

The Importance of Typography in Logo Design

The digital landscape of the modern world is dotted with innumerable websites. With the growth of the medium, there is a growing awareness about web design and typography, which play a major role in how the website looks. Websites, logos, posters, billboards, CD covers etc., all ensure that typography and design are combined well.
Every logo design company in Mumbai is aware that when it comes to logos, it is important to select the right typography while the design is being considered. There are a host of reasons why choosing the appropriate typography is crucial while an effective and engaging logo. Let us understand those reasons in detail:
 Promotes Effective Branding
A brand is your organization’s inimitable and distinctive personality and the clearer your perception of what a brand indicates, the easier it will be to understand the significance of typography in logo design. By attracting people to your business, you improve better leads and enhance profits. Typography can raise strong feelings and emotions, both responsible for creating an image for your brand. The right typography is important to build that elusive feeling of trust and reliability, both essential for fortifying and expanding the brand.
 Helps Simplifying things
Using complex fonts while designing your logo makes it difficult for people to connect to your brand and blows away the prime purpose of creating the logo itself. What is the point if the fonts used in a logo makes it difficult to understand the meaning and the message behind it? Fonts like Papyrus, Comic Sans, Curlz MT etc. are found to be out of place for the purpose of designing logos in the field of graphic designing.
 Helps Logos to stand out in a crowd
Apart from simplicity, it is the uniqueness of a logo that helps it to retain its identity in the plethora of logos that surround us. It would be easy for your potential audience to confuse your logo with another brand and that is something that a brand would never want. Select a brand that helps you to create an easily distinguishable identity and also help people to relate to your products and services. The competitive market can be easily tackled if you have a great-looking logo by your side. The key is to select the right logo, one that will keep your brand above the clutter that surrounds your short-of-attention target customer.
 Essential to convey the right message
Choosing the right font is a difficult choice for sure, given the massive choice currently available and confusion is guaranteed. Yet, proper research and a detailed analysis can help you to select the right one for your business. The right font can enhance your logo design theme while reinforcing the message you have in mind. Just as wearing a fancy pair of jeans with a flashy t-shirt isn’t exactly the right attire while attending an interview, choosing the right font is equally crucial while appearing before your audience. If you are in the business of investments and financial services, you would want to convey trust and reliability as your primary qualities and the right font coupled with the right colours can help you to do exactly that. Fonts like FF Kievit, Optima-Regular, Interstate and Bembo are considered ideal fonts to convey trustworthiness and inspire confidence in the potential customers’ minds.
 Helps Grab attention
A logo designed by any top-notch graphic design companies in Mumbai will be used across various mediums like letterheads, websites, business cards, brochures, the works. Therefore a logo that grabs the viewers’ attention irrespective of the medium it appears on, is the kind of logo you would want for your brand.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

The Role Of Colours In Logo Design

Colours can be termed as a critical visual communications factor that can have a telling
impact on the psychology of the observer at a subconscious level and plays a large role in
defining a consumer’s relationship with a brand and its branding. Colours are capable of
unearthing all kinds of emotions in human beings and bringing back long lost memories.
Factors like age, personal choice, nationality, interests and line of work play a huge role in
an individual’s interpretation of colour. As one of the best logo designer in Mumbai, we try
to understand our target audience completely, before designing a logo for a brand, in order
to make effective use of colour. Since colours are known to increase brand recognition by as
much as 80%, it should be a great idea to consider its impact while designing a logo for your
 RED: This is an ideal colour to excite and engage your audience, while drawing
attention to your logo design. It conveys excitement, passion and action and is one
of the first two colours to be processed by the brain. It is also used to convey a sense
of urgency and determination.
 PINK: The colour pink is known to reduce anger and aggression and has a calming
effect on its viewers. Logos with pink as its dominant colour appeals to the
traditional buyer. It can easily convey love, romance and create a sense of calm.
 BLUE: If your brand is keen to create a sense of trust, security and confidence
amongst your customers, so if you are into banking and finance, blue is the colour
for your logo.
Being one of the Best Digital Agency in Mumbai, we use colour to convey subconscious
meaning and can be a great psychological tool to be used in logo design.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Animated Logos- The latest design trend

It is simply no surprise that animated logos are becoming increasingly popular and no one’s complaining. As humans, we are always fascinated by things that move, for example: flickering screens, blazing fires, waves crashing against rocks, etc. Logo design has caught this trend and is creating similar magic, while attracting viewers. Logos that spin, dance, bounce, disintegrate and transform themselves are great to look at and we remember them for a long time.
Many a logo designing company in Mumbai would give more than an arm and leg to be able to create such animated wonders for their clients. Let us see a few popular types:

Rotating Logos
Animated logo design has taken to rotation like a duck takes to water and this is evident from the many brands that have taken a liking to it. Investment Company Lux Capital uses the “X” in its name as a rotating multiplication and addition sign alternatively and drives the message of profit quite well. Giant Owl logo has two circular forms that rotate like film reels and then blink like owl eyes, holding the viewer’s attention for long.

“Hide and reveal” logos
As kids, we all loved magic shows, story time and game shows where grand secrets and prizes were revealed at the end. Logo design has incorporated this idea quite conveniently. Look at Pentagram’s Overview has a brilliant logo that begins with O & V bunched together which then expand to reveal the full name. Architects Biber go the minimalistic way by displaying the “i” in negative space as it slides out from behind the “b”.

Hand-drawn logos
These type of logos have been around for years and logo designers have used them effectively by animating them to take them to the next level. By using animation to visually articulate the drawing and painting process, brands like Famous and Tangled have created some truly amazing logos for themselves. It shows the artistic process of hand-drawn logos right from long drawn brush strokes to pencil designs.

Transforming logos
Logo owners love to play around with images that transform themselves and till recently designers had a tough time managing this, till animation came along, making things easy and simple. The most famous example would be Google which transforms itself into a microphone, a “G” before coming back to its own blue self. The word Brikk literally emerges from an animated brick that all neon.

Expanding logos
Fitting a logo in a particular space has always been a challenge for designers and animation helps here immensely. Check out the Ideo Architekci logo, in brilliant yellow as it expands vertically and horizontally or the EAT logo by Fable which grows in size with every bite.
Animated logos have opened up a host of designing avenues for every web designing company in Mumbai and given designers and brand owners a fresh boost of creativity.

Monday, 13 February 2017

Common PPC Tricks that will save you money and push conversions

PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, which is an internet marketing model where advertisers pay only when their ad is clicked on. This is a method of buying visits to your website than earning those visits organically. For a specific product or service, you can bid on a desired keyword on large search engines like Google or Bing and whenever a user types the keyword, your advertisement will populate at the top of the Google page.

As a top-ranking provider of PPC services in mumbai, we implement many tricks to improve the traffic quality, save money and ultimately notch up more sales or conversions.

Negative keywords: A negative keyword is a type of keyword which protects your advertisement from being triggered by a specific phrase and instructs Google not to display your ad to anyone who searches for that particular keyword. Create a list of “negative” keywords including the ones used by competitors that you are sure will not lead to a sale for you.

Ad Schedule: Adwords campaigns, by default, are set to show ads on all days and every hour which may not be your intention or you may have specific days in mind or you may want to exclude weekends. It makes sense to study conversion history and find which the best hours to showcase your ads are.

Keyword Selection: Keywords are divided into broad match, phrase match, exact match keywords and broad match modifiers. Remember, if you select broad match and a user misspells the keyword, your ad could be populated instantly. Check your search terms and you will be pleasantly surprised.
Apart from these, as a leading web designing company in mumbai, we also recommend checking of Quality Score which gives you an estimate of the relevance of keywords, ads and landing page to a user viewing it.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Effective ways of using Social Media Marketing as an SEO strategy

Content marketing, Search Engine Optimization and social media marketing are outstanding strategies when meticulously planned and executed in a professional manner. Marketers use them in isolation as a part of their marketing strategies to boost their online presence and ultimately, product sales. However, another line of thought also proposes using them in conjunction with each other so that they complement each other and enhance their impact as a result. While the content magnifies the SEO campaign through more links and optimising for social media feeds and key phrases.

As leading providers of PPC services in mumbai, we bring the latest of strategies to help our client’s brand make the impact it deserves and Social media marketing has always been a part of this plan. In the course of this article, let us understand how social media campaigning enhance organic search rankings and its impact on SEO.

Profile information: A social media marketing campaign essentially begins with compiling your social profile with information about the organization, your name, contact details and the kind of business. This content is index able and plays a vital role in improving your social rankings in an indirect manner. Social media profiles are being continually extracted to form local business data by review sites and this data is then accumulated as entries on their own sites. These profiles are extensively used by Google and goes a long way in augmenting visibility of your brand and helps building accurate info.

Inbound Links: Google is known to give massive weightage to relevance and authority while ranking results for a specific query where authority is determined mostly by the inbound link profile of the page and the domain. This implies that the more, authoritative links pointing to you, the higher your brand will rank in searches. Facebook posts, Twitter tweets and other social connects may not directly impact search rankings but their attracting inbound links in large numbers from reputed sources can be vital.

Syndication of blogs and articles: As a marketing channel, social media is easily able to allocate links and content to a large audience. We are a preferred logo designing company in mumbai and we bring a lot of value to our clients’ quest of making an impact on the social media platforms that abound the virtual world. An article or a blog that is posted on a social media platform is viewed by thousands of new readers who then share it with others. If the article link is used by a journalist or an editor or a blogger, then it gets referenced as a natural link, thereby improving your inbound link profile. Since Google indexes content directly from social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and other growing ones, your visibility as a brand is definitely on the rise.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

How do social media mentions impact SEO

An organization or a brand’s presence in the online world is all about visibility and social media is an extremely potent tool to help leverage this presence. Social media does have a telling impact on SEO in the form of mentions on the platform as it keeps on adding to the list of new users, which is a primary aim of SEO and Social Media.

We are a top-ranking graphic designing company in Mumbai and we realise the value and impact of social media mentions on SEO and the manner in which an organisations’ organic visibility is enhanced. When SEO and SMM experts converge together on a project, the results are bound to be spectacular.

Social media mentions have a visible impact on SEO since:
Social media presence helps a brand to tweak or alter its strategy as it becomes clear which content works and which does not.
Social sharing and likes increases life of the content dramatically and also makes it highly visible.
Social media boosts brand recognition and improves its presence in a consumer’s digital life.
As users follow the links from social media platforms, the website traffic increases proportionally.

An organization is sure to benefit if a plan that merges the essential strategies of SEO & SMM as it is useful for both the teams involved. This way it is possible take into consideration various planned events, their dates and possible product launches too and thus benefit from a better audience interaction.

When content is shared on a social media platform, new visitors are automatically added who share content, like it and even re-tweet it thus expanding its reach and visibility multiple times. Adding social media buttons is another way to encourage sharing. Being one of the Best Digital Agency in Mumbai, we have honed our skills to perfection and deliver the best to clients.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Accelerate your conversion rate through practical lead generation ideas

Inbound marketers are working furiously at revamping their lead generation strategies and tuning it capture the audience’s attention in a manner that pushes them to acquire more knowledge from them. It’s been a long time since people have been exercising their right to make individual choices taking away the power from marketers and advertisers. The consumer is now empowered to decide what to read, download, buy and click on and also what not to and there are innumerable choices available.

As a leading Web designing company in Mumbai, we continuously strive to increase the conversion rate on our clients’ websites through creative lead generation tactics. In the not-so-distant past, viewers instinctively clicked on the “I’m in” banner but now they are aware and know they could be spammed. Reworking the same old tactics may no longer work, so what if you added CTA that match the person’s current interest or position it differently where the response could be better?

The following B2B & B2C lead generation tactics will surely help you to procure the benefits of the traffic that you have worked hard to reach. Remember, these tactics will have to be tweaked as per your audience profile so test them accordingly.

Place CTAs in your audience’s natural eye path
The place of your Call-To-Action plays a very important role in the generation of leads from your website yet marketers ignore its relevance. As per studies conducted, when we read a webpage, we follow an F-shaped path that begins at the top left hand corner of our page. Placing critical information in these areas will ensure your message is definitely read and you could place CTAs in this manner on your homepage and other popular webpages too.

Pop-ups and Slide forms still work
Pop-ups were once the toast of marketers but have been cast aside since the disruption of the viewer’s experience was far too much and worked negatively. If the pop up leads the audience to a relevant and useful site, they certainly wouldn’t mind, would they? For example, if your blog is about how to engage with subordinates, it would make perfect sense to include a pop up that gave a report about employee engagement, in the middle of the blog. This would be prudent use of a pop-up or a slide form and would garner positive votes.

Revitalise old blog posts by adding anchor texts
By adding an end of the post banner to an old blog post to give it new life is a great idea and so is adding anchor texts that drives the readers to a certain action. As a top-notch web development Company in Mumbai, we have utilised many such ideas to dramatically improve web conversion rates for our clients.