Showing posts with label web designers in Mumbai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label web designers in Mumbai. Show all posts

Monday, 11 February 2019

Position yourself as a Brand through your Digital Portfolio

If you have heard about the term “Digital Portfolio” and think that it has something to do with the fashion world, you are mistaken. Digital Portfolio is basically the digital version of your
resume or CV that details your educational and work qualifications, achievements and other
relevant information in a digital format.

You can hire a professional website design company in Mumbai to create your customized digital portfolio or try your hand at creating one. You can tell the world about yourself and put it to great use.

Digital Portfolio is your story put in a creative manner. It is not some drab detailing of your professional experience with a list of educational qualifications. It is your biography that is presented in a creative and interesting way, talking about your hobbies, your early years and other things that will showcase your personality.

The hiring team of any professional organization is more interested in understanding your capabilities than simply knowing the number of professional degrees you have gathered or the number of years you have slogged at various positions. By creating a digital portfolio, you can present the same data but in an interesting manner that goes beyond the mundane details. This helps in creating a good impression on the recruiter’s mind as he will get an insight to you as an individual and understand your talents in a better way.

A digital portfolio can be termed as a method of social media marketing for individuals with focus on your nature as a human being and your interactions in the social world. You can update it on a regular basis so recruiters know about all the recent developments in your personal and professional life. Your progress in terms of adding professional qualifications can be updated thus giving everyone a clear insight.

Friday, 30 November 2018

Infographics- A potent way to enhance your website traffic

Our brain has the capacity to grasp and understand visual content 60000 times faster than written content. It isn’t a wonder that digital marketers are making increased use of infographics to capture their target audience’s attention. By employing simple infographics, it is possible to boost audience engagement and increase brand awareness.
Infographics, unlike images, are visual expressions of information and statistics and are being preferred by most digital marketers and website designers in Mumbai. They help complex content in a manner that the common man can understand easily.
Why are infographics growing in popularity?
Consider this:
 It is easier to present a large amount of information in a concise and compact form
 It helps in understanding data quickly
 Infographics help in getting leads for business
 Allows the transfer of information in a quick and convenient way
 Increases brand awareness about your business
 Helps in drawing new visitors to your site
What are the characteristics of a good infographic?
Just as a poorly designed infographic can be bad for your business image, a well-crafted an infographic can help ramp up your business revenue in quick time. Here is a checklist that can tell you what a good infographic should consist of:
 It should have an interesting story that should draw the attention of your audience
 A good infographic should have a unique headline and similar sub-headings
 There should be a good mix of charts and graphs to keep the audience interested
 It should have authentic and verifiable content to generate trust among your readers
 A good infographic always leads to a solution in the end.
Just as professional web designers in Mumbai can add that touch of class to your website, a creative and engaging infographic can play a vital role in enhancing your website traffic. Now isn’t that something every organization wants to achieve and subsequently draw in a larger audience? Infographics will help you to do exactly that…..and more!